Art of Europe: Baroque (preview)

A preview of Rick Steves Art of Europe: Baroque. Watch the full episode at, or check your local public television listings. #ricksteves #ricksteveseurope #artofeurope

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Rick Steves, America’s most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.

Foreign For two centuries roughly 1600 to 1800 Europe's rulers held on to the old Medieval order while new ideas bubbled Beneath the surface these tensions Conservative versus Progressive would Produce astonishing art from deeply Religious To Boldly secular from Patriotic to playful from Baroque to Neoclassical For some historic background we'll start With the religious struggles that Eventually split Europe into two camps Each with its own distinct culture the Exuberant art of Catholic Elites and the Sober art of protestant merchants We'll see how France with its Divine Right Kings and their art emerged as the Center of European culture And how excessive Royal decadence led to Violent revolution And finally how a dashing General would Set Europe on a bold course toward the Future Thank you The art and architecture of this age was Also a powerful political tool the kings And queens of the day claimed they were Ordained by God to rule without question These so-called Divine monarchs used art As propaganda to convince their subjects That their Authority was legit This Magnificent German Palace in Wurzburg was home to the so-called

Prince Bishop he was a ruler with both Secular and religious power it was built In the Baroque style and decorated in The even frillier Rococo style that Followed As VIP guests arrived they'd Glide Gracefully up the stairway inspired by a Grand Fresco as it opened up overhead The prince Bishop was the center of the Cosmos honored by the Greek gods and Ruler of the four Great continents Including a bare-chested figure of America Seated on an alligator at a Rowdy cannibal barbecue and Lady Europe Points her brush to the center of all Culture the capital of his realm Wurzberg Foreign Palaces of this age feature grandiose Architecture with decoration that abhors A straight line and is full of motion Artists used mirrors and lavish gilding To enliven Interiors they were masters Of three-dimensional illusion using all The tricks from painting mathematically Correct architecture to fake Shadows all To give a believable sense of 3D reality Again art of this period was pure Marketing paid for and serving either The church or the state or in the prince Bishop's case both Here the bishop is being blessed by the Imperial scepter reminding all that he Was part of a divinely ordained and

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Secular chain of command