Quarantine Fail Compilation Alaska Edition | VLOG#10

Mallu is going to jump. Going to be a cool challenge, probably gonna break all the skis and poles. As you can see, I was not the only one who got scared. Where is the jump? New try on a bit smaller jump, let's see if she can do it this time. And no jump came out of here again, just skied over it like from a mogul. Try 2, let's see if she can get the legs up this time.

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Almost did, almost did. Alright, here we go. World Cup start, giant slalom debut, Mallukas. Looks like DNF, at least she did not go down. Still prefers the uphill. What do you think about moving out completely? Too soon. Shit, shit! Why are you floundering here again? What do you want? Why are you floundering? Super, super conditions! Good, you fell on your butt. Ah? I can stay here if you're not gonna help! Come, come! What do you want up there!? Why didn't you come through the road? Because It was too hard.. It's easier from here?! Yes. Another gorgeous day in Fairbanks. Discovering snowmobile tracks. Another one comes from there, so let's cross quickly. You sagged in? He wants to eat it. What a strategy. Mallu has new friends. Shit, look how thick these are. It's so hard for me. Who invented such a thing as biking? Terrible! You wanna go skiing with bike? What did you do now?! Oh, god. It' so narrow! Oh you and your adventures in deep snow. 6:30am ski. Gratifying right? Is the track icy too? A little..

As found on YouTube

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