US National Parks Suffer Damage Amid Shutdown | OCC News

Trump’s climate change denials amidst extreme weather conditions

Last week, President Trump used the extreme cold in the Midwestern United States to tweet denials of global warming, or in his case, “global waming.” Unfortunately for him, cold weather doesn’t equate to a cold climate. In fact, according to the Fourth National Climate report, the coldest winter temperatures have actually increased in the United States since 1901.

While extreme cold temperatures were experienced in the U.S., halfway across the world, Australia experienced its hottest month on record. This came on the heels of Australia’s hottest December to date, adding even more evidence to the global warming trend.

In addition to the heatwaves, northern Australia is now being inundated with unprecedented rainfalls that have forced hundreds to evacuate. According to The New York Times, the mayor of Townsville reported that her city received its total annual rainfall in just a seven-day period.

The aftermath of the U.S. government shutdown on national parks

Back in the United States, as the 35-day government shutdown drew to a temporary close, the National Park Service took stock of the damages to public lands, particularly parks like Joshua Tree. The absence of park rangers during the shutdown led to pockets of vandalism and activity that harmed the park’s desert ecosystem.

Former park superintendent Curt Sauer decried the damage, exclaiming that the desert soils and slow-growing Joshua trees might take between 200-300 years to recover from the illegal off-roading and destruction that occurred during the shutdown.

The importance of environmental news coverage

While extreme weather events, climate change denials, and damages to national parks are important topics that need to be addressed, these issues often escape the headlines. Thus, raising awareness about environmental news and updates is essential for the public to be informed and take action accordingly.

See also  Discover the Enchanting Beauty of US National Parks

The format of disseminating environmental news is still a work in progress that needs to adapt to modern technology and audience preferences. Through video or written content, environmental news updates serve as valuable sources of information to keep people informed about ongoing environmental issues that impact their lives and communities.

Taking action against climate change

So, what can we do as individuals to combat climate change and the damages it’s causing to our environment?

Firstly, raising awareness about these issues is crucial. Educate yourself about current environmental news and discuss the information with others. This can help foster an environment where everyone is informed and prepared to take action when necessary.

Secondly, support environmental organizations and campaigns that advocate for policies to combat climate change. From local charity events to global movements against climate change, every bit of support counts in creating a positive impact on the environment.


The importance of environmental news cannot be overstated. As extreme weather conditions and damaged ecosystems take a toll on our planet, being informed and prepared to take action is essential. Through active engagement and support, we can make a difference in the fight against climate change and help create a better, more sustainable future for us all.