Did DCL Make a Huge Mistake with Disney Wish? | Find Out Our Thoughts!

Disney Wish is Disney Cruise Line’s newest ship. Since the ship set sail earlier this year, the DCL fans haven’t been happy with the new design. Did Disney make a huge mistake with Disney Wish? We review the most common critiques in this Disney Wish VLOG!

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0:00 Introduction
1:08 The Quiet Cove
4:16 Promenade Decks
6:08 Dining
9:20 Ship Layout
13:13 Hyperspace Lounge

The top issue cruisers have with Disney Wish is the new location of the Quiet Cove. On other DCL ships, the Quiet Cove is located at the front of the ship. On this new class of vessel, this adults-only area is at the aft of the ship. Also, many claim it is too small for the ship, and that the location near the AquaMouse is a nuisance.

We will agree it is tough to get to the Quiet Cove. Further, cruisers need to walk outside to get to the coffee shop, which is open the earliest on the vessel. However, we never heard much noise from the AquaMouse or the main pool deck. We also never had an issue finding lounge chairs.

One design flaw that DCL fans point out is the lack of an open air promenade deck. The limited spaces on Deck 4, 5, and 6 include several sets of stairs. So, this is not ideal for running or walking.

The ship’s spa is located on deck 5 with a new outdoor space. Thus, the promenade deck includes a set of stairs up to deck 6. While there are great views from this vantage point, it feels like Disney Cruise Line missed an opportunity to have a more traditional open air promenade. So, cruisers will need to use the fitness center if they’d prefer not to use the newly configured outdoor promenade.

Admittedly, Disney Wish was our first Disney Cruise. So, we can’t compare food quality on this ship to others in the fleet. However, we have sailed on over 60 cruises, so we have eaten plenty of main dining room food from other cruise lines.

Loyal Disney cruisers have some complaints about the Disney Wish dining. We do agree that the main dining room experience was disappointing. We dined at each of the three rotational main dining rooms, and the food was below the quality you would expect on a contemporary cruise line. Besides the steak and dessert at 1923, the rest of the options did not live up to our expectations.

Although, we disagree with DCL fans on the casual dining. We did enjoy the offerings at the Festival of Foods casual spot on the pool deck. All of the selections, from the BBQ, to the grill, pizza, and cantina were what we would expect from a premium cruise line.

It takes a few trips around the vessel to get used to the Disney Wish layout. This fifth vessel in the fleet does have a unique design. This means that venues are in different locations, but many of the classic public spaces found on other DCL ships are still present on Disney Wish.

Like more recent mega-ships, Disney Wish has several smaller spaces, instead of a few larger ones. We actually like this setup, especially the different bars and lounges. On our two sailings, these venues were never crowded. So, we could always find a seat or get a drink with ease.

We also liked that there were several smaller pools spread out across multiple decks. This seems to be the trend on newer cruise ships across the cruise industry.

Lastly, we agree with the DCL fans that the Hyperspace Lounge was a bit of a let down. As a big Star Wars fan, I was expecting more from the décor and theming.

Not to mention, the Star Wars Cargo Bay in the youth areas on deck 2 is far superior with more intricate set pieces and décor.

Still, you should visit the Hyperspace Lounge to grab a drink and make a jump to hyperspace. Though, odds are that you won’t stay very long.


Our Deck-by-Deck Disney Wish Ship Tour:
Complete Guide to Disney Castaway Cay:
What’s Included on Disney Wish:

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The new Disney wish is much different Than the four previous DCL ships and Let's just say the fans have not been Too welcoming but are these negative Reviews Justified Well we've just returned from our second Sailing on Disney wish And take a look at the common complaints We hear from DCL fans to see if Disney Cruise Line made a huge mistake with Disney's wish up next [Music] [Applause] Welcome aboard Cruisers Um DB from eat sleep Crews where we help You see the world one poor at a time With our cruise reviews ship tours and Tons of cruise planning advice Now we first held on dizzy wish back in July of this year and actually had a Really good time So we were surprised to hear that loyal Castaway Key members were not fans of This new ship so with several of the Common complaints about Disney wish in Hand we returned to the vessel this October the Sea of Disney Cruise Line Made a big mistake with Disney wish The most common complaints we hear about Disney wish have to do with the adults Only area the quiet code located all the Way apt on Deck 13 many regular DCL Cruisers are not happy with this space Among the common complaints is that the

Area is just too small given the ship is 144 000 gross tons and Carries 3 200 Passengers we do agree That the area is tight for the number of Adults on the ship Not to mention that accessing the deck Is not the easiest Cruisers either need to walk Through the pool area and up the stairs Or wait for the couple of elevators that Actually go all the way up this app deck 13 area Further Cruisers complain that they Don't like the location right behind the Aqua miles the parts of this traction Directly overhead The critics also don't like the setup as Accessing the pool is difficult Especially for those with limited Mobility Instead of an inset pool the main Infinity pool is a plunge pool That requires steps to enter So did Disney Cruise Line make a huge Mistake when designing the quiet Cove on Disney wish Well during our first settlement Disney Wish earlier this summer getting Prime Seats at the quiet Cove was not an easy Task Essentially Cruisers need to wake up Bright and early the clay must bought Although on our second Cruise in October Of this year getting seats did seem a

Bit easier We were able to find seats in the shade On a few occasions during the sailing With the ship comparable in size to Vessels like Royal Caribbean's Freedom The seeds The Kauai Cove on Disney wish should Definitely have had more lounge chairs And deck space The adults only solariums on competitor Brands are much roomier and the quiet Cove on Disney wish During our time in the space we didn't Hear a lot of noise from the aqua Mouse Though Granted we did sit mostly on the Starboard side where the aqua Mouse Entrance is on the port side Even when further ah or on the port side Near the quietco cafe we didn't hear Much noise from the Riders Except for the loungers directly next to The Privacy Shield separating two spaces However we do agree that fighting the Quiet code is not the easiest Yet once you figure it out it's really Just a short walk Although having a trek through the main Family pool area to get to the adult's Only area feels rather ironic not to Mention the pool deck is often very Crowded and the deck surface can be wet Slippery Overall we didn't really spend too much

Time at the quiet Cove As there are many other areas around the Ship to enjoy for instance there's a Forward Sun deck on Deck 14 near the Chip and Dale pool This pool is larger and never all that Busy it also has plenty of loungers Facing the sun on the starboard side On decks 4 5 and 6 you find Disney Wishes attempt And a Promenade deck However as the dtl fans point out this Promenade deck does not wrap around the Ship Further it includes several sets of Stairs So it's not ideal for those who like to Use a space for walking or jogging So again it appears that Disney Cruise Line had a major design flaw when Creating this Promenade space on these Lower decks Now there are several reasons why There's a series of steps on these decks Including the new outdoor Spa area at The front of the ship The stairs from deck 5 actually lead up To a viewing platform on Deck 6 at the Front of the ship This area is nice for getting some views Of the upcoming locations Plus you can spot the Hidden Mickey Located in the census Spa outdoor area One deck below

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Though the deck 4 Promenade area Abruptly ends on both the starboard And Port sides of the ship at the AFT End So we tend to agree with the dtl fans That we do not like the Disney wish Doesn't have a walking or jogging track That circles the entire ship Almost all cruise ships feature this Midship open area So the fact that DCL did not properly Design the space of Disney wish is a bit Of a letdown In all honesty if I do work out I tend To use the cruise ship's gym anyway At least there disneywish has a fairly Good sized Fitness Center on Deck 5 Forward for ship of its size So Cruisers could opt to use this space Instead to get in some cardio as there Are a variety of Treadmills Ellipticals and other cardio equipment Another common thing we hear from Disney Cruise Line fans has to do with the food On Disney wish Several have indicated that they were Disappointed in the food on board this New ship Many claim to prefer the cruise Line's Typical pool deck Quick Service options Further several given the main dining Room food poor reviews Given that Disney wish is the only ship

In the fleet on which we've sailed we Don't have a direct Disney Cruise Line Comparison here Though we have sailed on 14 other Cruise Lines 60 plus cruises So we've eaten plenty of cruise food All along we've heard that Disney Cruise Line offers a premium Cruise experience So we had high expectations about the Quality of the food found on Disney Cruise Line ships So the Disney Cruise Line dropped the Ball when it comes to dining on board Disney wish Well contrary to the other reviews of Mickey and Friends Festival Foods we Actually really liked this quick service Venue All the different food stations offer a Well-prepared fresh and delicious menu Items Among our favorites were Donald's Cantina serving Tex-Mex options and Mickey smokestack including barbecued Items like brisket Ribs cornbread and mac and cheese So for us the Casual eats on Disney wish Were on par with other Cruise Lines However when it came to the main dining Room we were not impressed During our first cruise on Disney wish We done it all three complimentary Restaurants

Overall the food at 1923 was our Favorite My filet mignon was cooked to a medium Rare temperature with just the right Amount of season Plus the apple cheesecake was a decadent Dessert that was the best on the ship Still I would say it was on par with the Main dining room meals on contemporary Cruise Lines After 1923 it was pretty downhill I was not a fan of much at Worlds of Marvel Besides the coconut shrimp appetizer Which has actually been removed from the Menu on our most recent trip The Frozen dining Avengers attempt an Authentic Norwegian food was uninspiring As well although we both did enjoy the Interactive theater aspect of this Dining experience Though given our expectations the Complementary dining rooms did not Impress us on Disney wish However we did dine at Paulo Steakhouse During our second sailing on the ship And we were very impressed with this Specialty restaurant while this adult's Only restaurant isn't of charge and when Compared to many Cruise Lines it's Pretty pricey for a specialty restaurant We thought the food was outstanding we Do have plans to sail on another dtl Cruise ship in 2023 to see how the food

On Disney wish compares to the rest of The fleet Despite all the glowing reviews it is Possible that the food on Disney Cruise Line is just more akin to other Contemporary Brands like Royal Caribbean And Norwegian Cruise Line than we were Expecting With the brand new train Class design Disney Cruise Line made several changes To ship's overall design and layout Similar to newer vessels like Norwegian Prima or virgin voyages vessels the ship Excuse large open spaces for a smaller More intimate areas Given we have Sail on several of these New ships from other Cruise Lines And I've heard similar complaints We're not too surprised that Disney Cruise Line fans have similar complaints Many popular venues found on other Disney ships are still on board just a New format or areas Still the Disney fans do not seem to Appreciate this new design So did Disney Cruise Line make a huge Mistake with this new trying class of Ships Well honestly we think Disney Cruise Line did a fantastic job of breaking up Some of these larger spaces For example the traditional pool deck on Other ships has been transformed into a More divided space

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Now several small pools are scattered Between decks 11 and 12. with one Additional one all the way forward on Deck 14. This new tiered system seemed to spread Out families well in our opinion the Pool deck actually functioned better Than one large pool packed with kids if Anything it let more individuals enjoy The pool deck with pools of various Sizes depths and views Although the interior decks on Disney Wish do have a few questionable design Choices The guest services desk takes up the Port side of deck 5 midship Guests need to wait in line while other Guests are using the hallway to get from One end of the ship to the other Across the way the character meet and Greets also occur which can make the Space quite hectic Further it seems a bit odd that there Are two coffee shops Locate only one deck apart Both of these venues serve a similar Menu and offer limited seating that is In the middle of a main walkway Finding venues can be a bit tricky if You don't know exactly where to go But at least you are able to walk from One end of the ship to the other end Some of the newer ships from other Cruise Lines actually have more dead

Ends and limited pathways Admittedly it might take some searching To find the pre-teens area on Deck 5. or The midship elevators and stairs on Deck 3. But this wasn't too much of an issue for Us While it might not seem the most logical The ship's layout functioned pretty well In our opinion Disney wishes made venues felt the Appropriate size While small Oungers like to buy you Hyperspace Lounge Or even Lunas we're never overly busy Further we could always find a seat for The shows in the Walt Disney theater Arriving approximately 20 minutes before Showtime This is a stark contrast to our recent Sailing on Ocean Cruise Line's new Ship Norwegian Prima Here venues were standing room only 30 Minutes before shows and events even Started Yes on Disney wish there were large Lines in front of the main dining rooms Before each dinner seating But we suspect this queuing occurs on All Disney ships with rotational dining Like anything new it takes time to get Accustomed to the changes We suspect that DCL fans will come to

Appreciate the layout As it provides more public venues Options and new ways to enjoy all the Disney Magic on board Disney wish Another letdown for DCL fans is the Hyperspace lounge at Disney wish Critiques here range from the space Being too small to the underwhelming Theming and Decor to the drink prices After all there is a five thousand Dollar drink on the menu Not to mention the cruise line initially Required individuals to make Reservations for the venue Currently the venue is walk up and with No weight or lines during our second Cruise on the ship We suspect Disney Cruise Lines will not Have to go back to the reservation System Now if you are a Star Wars fan like me You should check out the hyperspace Launch We visit the venue on each of our Cruises I like the cocktails and enjoy the jumps To familiar locales in the Star Wars Universe However with all the build up around This venue At the launch of the ship it is honestly A rather ordinary cruise ship bar I can concur that I was hoping for the Theming that was more like Olga's

Cantina in Galaxy's Edge On Disney wish the most intricate venue For fans on the galaxy far far away Is actually the cargo bay on Deck 2 in The kids oceaneer club I suggest you head down there during Open house to check out the spectacular Space It's extremely detailed and engaging Area There are even character meet and greets With Chewbacca and Rey during your Cruise this encounter gives big kids Like me an excuse to visit the space for A quick photo with popular Star Wars Characters now this look at Disney wish Has you interested in learning more About the ship why not check out our Complete disneywish ship tour and Walkthrough in that video we go deck by Deck showcasing all the restaurants Bars and lounges public venues And amenities Found on Disney wish to help you decide If Disney wish is right for your next Cruise vacation