Are you planning to bring alcohol on your next cruise? Do you know your cruise line’s policies? In this video, we share what the cruise lines don’t tell you about bringing alcohol on a cruise ship.
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0:00 Introduction
1:05 Drinking Age at Sea
1:45 General Policies
2:35 Types of Alcohol Allowed
3:05 Where You Can Consume Your Own Alcohol
3:58 Alcohol Purchased During the Trip
4:47 Sneaking Alcohol On
6:00 Cruise Lines That Prohibit Any Alcohol
6:30 Cruise Lines With No Alcohol Limits
6:58 Cruise Lines Allowing Some Alcohol
Cruisers always ask us whether you can bring alcohol on a cruise. Unfortunately, the answer is both “yes” and “no.” Alcohol policies vary for major cruise lines. They range from no outside alcohol allowed onboard to letting cruisers bring as much alcohol as they choose for a sailing.
If this sounds complicated to you, then you are not alone. So, we put together this video covering the alcohol policies for 14 major cruise lines. Plus, we discuss whether you should try to sneak alcohol on a ship and answer common questions about the drinking age and other cruisers’ concerns regarding libations onboard cruise ships.
In this guide to bringing alcohol on a cruise, we also discuss what types of alcohol can be brought onboard the ship on embarkation day. Plus, we highlight what the cruise lines do to your alcohol purchased at the ports of call. Even when cruise lines allow you to bring alcohol onboard, it is usually limited to bottles of wine and champagne and there might be a corkage fee. These fees are applied even if you don’t physically have the staff open the bottle of wine.
Further, many cruisers ask about sneaking alcohol onboard a ship. This is not advisable. At best, your contraband will be confiscated from you and returned after the cruise. At worst, you could be barred from boarding the ship.
Of note, if your cruise line does allow you to bring alcohol with you, it needs to be in your carry-on luggage.
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#cruisetips #cruise #cruiseships
It's almost hard to Envision a cruise without
a tropical drinking hand letting loose having a Few cocktails pool aside or a few glasses of wine
at dinner is part of the vacation experience but What if you want to bring your own booze on board
your next Cruise is that allowed unfortunately the Answer isn't as clear-cut as you would think
that's why we put together this video about Everything you need to know about bringing alcohol
on your next cruise up next [Music] [Applause] Welcome aboard Cruisers I'm Don V from eat sleep
Crews for helping you see the world one port at a Time we get a lot of questions on the blog and
here on YouTube regarding the alcohol policies Cruise ships many individuals want to know if
they're allowed to bring alcohol on a cruise ship Or anyway not so nice terms they ask us how do
you sneak alcohol on a cruise ship well that's why We decided to make this video to help you break
down what to expect if you want to bring your own Alcohol on a ship including what you're allowed to
bring on where you can drink your alcohol as well As what happens to rule Breakers who attempt
to bring items on board that are not allowed Before we even discuss alcohol policies
on cruise ships do know that most Cruise Lines stick to the US drinking age 21 on board
their fleets this is especially true for cruises That are closed looped that begin and end in
the same U.S Port say like Miami Florida or Seattle Washington so just because your cruise
ship enters international waters doesn't mean That the cruise line lowers that drink however
some lines do lower the drinking age 18 when Selling for ports outside the U.S for instance
Costa cruises drinking age is 21 when leaving From United States however on any vessel leaving
from a non-us port that particular Cruise Line's Drinking age is only 18. when flat out asks can
you bring alcohol on a cruise the answer is yes And no to be honest it really depends on the
cruise line plus it depends on the type of Alcohol you want to bring on board each Cruise
Line's alcohol policy spelled out in your cruise Contract which you receive when booking and to be
honest these policies are all over the board some Cruise lines that you bring in as much alcohol as
possible some don't let you bring in any alcohol At all but most Cruise Lines allow you to bring
some limited amounts of alcohol on your cruise So before you book with a cruise line make sure
you review the frequently asked questions or the Cruise Line's website to find out that people
Cruise Lines I'll see but in this video we give You the most up-to-date Cruise policy for most
major Cruise Lines unless you're sailing on an All-inclusive Luxury Line most Cruise Lines allow
Cruisers to ring a limited amount of wine on board Many Cruise Lines allow two bottles of wine at
embarkation day but no other beer or spirits For instance Carnival Cruise Line allows two 750
milliliter bottles of line to be brought on board At embarkation per stateroom but they do not allow
any six packs of beer or handles of spirits like [ __ ] before heading out to the Packy you do need
to know that cruise lines that allow passengers to Bring their own alcohol on board typically do so
with restrictions mainly many of them charge a
Corkage fee consumption of your alcohol is allowed
freely in the privacy of your own cabin however Outside your stateroom this corkage fee applies to
consumption essentially a corkage fee is a set fee You pay or take in your own stash this fee applies
whether it's wine at dinner or booze in the lounge Despite its name the fee has nothing to do with
whether you physically uncork your bottle but Rather your choice to drink your alcohol in public
area like a bar or a restaurant again you need to Check with your cruise line regarding the corkage
fee but it might range from somewhere to 10 to 15 Dollars to consume your own bottle of wine in
a restaurant to 25 for enjoying your bottle Of wine or your own tequila in the casino cruise
lines that have no restrictions on bringing your Own alcohol on board also do not typically have
corkage fees of course your cruise ship will also Bring you to some amazing destinations and you
may consider purchasing liquor at some of these Ports of call if you do know that the cruise line
will most likely not let you consume that alcohol Once on board if your cruise line does not permit
you to BYOB you'll have to check that bottle of Rum for Puerto Rico or the Prosecco from Italy
add security upon reboarding the ship at that Port of Call a crew member will typically write
a description of the item next to your name and State Room guests can retrieve these bottles at
the end of The Voyage prior to this embarkation Or there'll be a designated pickup location
that guests can go to to gather their own Alcohol purchases similar to alcohol purchased
off the ship in court any booze purchased in The ship's onboard boutiques are also subject to
being withheld until the end of your cruise this Is typically arranged with a cashier upon purchase
now before we get into the details of each Cruise Line's alcohol policy we do want to caution you
about trying to sneak alcohol on a cruise any Alcohol in your position beyond the allow limit
for your particular Cruise Line may be confiscated Or destroyed by security this rule equally applies
to an extra bottle of wine packed in your carry-on As it does to liquor that snuck through a water
bottle or a plastic flask or any of the other Containers that are typically referred to as
Rum Runners if you're shopping on Amazon several Cruise lines have very strict alcohol policies
like Royal Caribbean and you might be denied Boarding if this prohibited alcohol is found again
either in your check luggage or in your carry-on So we highly recommend you don't even try to sneak
alcohol on the ship there are several options for You to consume alcohol on the cruise and if you
really want to go on a big Bender just upgrade to A premium or luxury cruise line that might allow
you to bring alcohol on board or has alcohol Included in the cruise Fair or you can upgrade to
a drink package and many of these drink packages Allow Cruisers the ability to consume an unlimited
amount of selected beer wine and spirits but of Course keep in mind the cruise lines can always
deny you service if you're obviously intoxicated So exactly what are those Cruise Lines well
we're going to start with the cruise lines That don't let you bring any alcohol on board both
MSC cruises and Margaritaville at Sea do not allow
Passengers to bring any alcoholic or non-alcoholic
beverages on board during embarkation MSC cruises does offer several different drink
packages while Margaritaville offers a drink Card where you can buy a set number of drinks for
the two-day cruise at a discounted rate on the Other end of the spectrum there are four cruise
lines that allow unlimited alcohol on board with No corkage fees and those include silver C yborg
Viking ocean cruises and region Seven Seas many Of these Cruise Lines include alcohol as part of
the cruise fare and permit guests to bring alcohol On board during vacation and they also allow
them to bring alcohol on board at ports of call Norwegian Cruise Line allows guests to bring an
unlimited number of bottles of wine and champagne However there is a 15 corkage fee for all 750
milliliter bottles of wine and a 30 corkage fee For one and a half liter Magnum bottles of wine
and champagne I'll call policies for the remaining Cruise Lines do vary a little bit most these
Cruise Lines allow guests to bring on board too 750 milliliter of bottles of wine or a champagne
per stateroom in their carry-on luggage these Cruise Lines include Royal Caribbean Carnival
Cruise Line virgin voyages and Celebrity Cruises Windstar Cruises lets passengers bring
two bottles of champagne or wine per cabin For cruises that are seven days long or shorter
they may bring three bottles of wine for eight Day cruises or longer voyages likewise Oceana
Cruises let's guess bring up to six bottles Of wine or champagne on board during their
Cruise her lucky guess sailing on a full world Cruise the wine limit jumps up to 60 bottles per
state I don't know how you fit all that carry on On America line let's guess bring unlimited
bottles of wine or a champagne on board but There's a 20 corkage fee for each bottle
no matter where the gas consumes it In addition quantities of wine being by the
cruise line to be excessive will be refused Similarly each passenger on a Princess Cruises
ship can bring one bottle of wine or champagne That's no larger than 750 milliliters any
additional bottles of wine can be brought on But there is a 15 corkage fee regardless of where
you're consume those additional bottles of wine Finally you might be surprised to hear that Disney
Cruise Line has one of the more generous alcohol Policies guess 21 years and older may bring
a maximum of two bottles of unopened wine or Champagne again no louder than 750 milliliters or
six beers no larger than 12 ounces on board at the Beginning of the voyage and at each Port of Call
These beverages must be packed in the carry-on Not your check back but like other Cruise Lines
Disney Cruise Line will check any spirits that you Purchase at the Port of Call and guests are not
allowed to consume those Spirits while on the ship Now that you know more about the alcohol
policies on the various Cruise Lines you Might be considering purchasing a cruise line
drink package well lucky for you we have several Brand new complete reviews of drink packages
right here on YouTube where popular cruise lines Like Royal Caribbean Celebrity Cruises Carnival
Cruise Line and Princess Cruises in each video
We walk you through all the drink package
options the inclusions the prices and run The numbers let you know if purchasing a drink
package is right for your next Cruise vacation